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One Traveller team enjoy a 'family-fun day'!

Posted 14/09/2021 : By: Netmatters Support

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Slides of a Family Enjoying a Fun Day

It's been a long 18 months for us all and this weekend the One Traveller family team in Swaffham arranged a 'family-fun day'. With some family members working part in the office, part at home, and some working part-time, September saw the entire team back to working full time at Roman House, our spacious eco-friendly home.

Like our guests and so many families, there was much to catch up on. Babies have been born, started walking, started school. Team members have met new partners, got married and we have been unable to gather. There were garden games, a ball pond and a bouncy castle for the junior members whilst the grown-ups chatted, caught up, and showed off their baking skills.

With all the team together celebrating our first international departures, and the highly successful and popular launch of our 2022 holidays, it was a great opportunity to relax and enjoy being together again.

We have enjoyed welcoming many of our guests back to travel, since our first UK holidays in June, and look forward to friends, old and new, joining us and meeting new friends, all making up for the lost time.

Come join our family!

To view our full range of 2023 holidays clik here

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